Diagnosis and treatment of Gynecomastia
In our last blog, we have discussed on Signs and symptoms of gynecomastia. Today we will share on diagnosis and different options for gynecomastia treatment.
How to diagnose gynecomastia?
As we have discussed earlier, gynecomastia is the presence of breast tissue which is greater than 0.5 cm in diameter in a male. In this disorder, glandular tissue is found around the nipple. On the other hand, fat deposition is not considered to be true gynecomastia.
In most of the cases, gynecomastia is diagnosed through physical examination. The medical history, medication and drug use of the patient are necessary to confirm the disorder.A health care practitioner may ask for mammogram If there is a suspicion of cancer. Further tests may be required to establish the cause of gynecomastia in certain cases. These can include blood tests to examine liver, kidney, and thyroid function. Measurement of hormone levels in the bloodstream may also be recommended in some cases for gynecomastia treatment.
Medical and surgery procedures for gynecomastia treatment
Gynecomastia is prevalently found in pubertal males. It often goes away on its own within six to seven months. So in most of the cases, observation is preferred over specific treatment. Medications and treatment of existing medical problems or health conditions can lead to enlarged breasts in men. So stopping those medications can also cure the disorder.
Medical Treatments
Medical treatments also are available to address the problem of gynecomastia but there is a lack of data on their effectiveness in treating the disorder.
Medications that have been used gynecomastia treatment include:
Testosterone replacement: This procedure is effective in older men with low levels of testosterone, but it’s not effective for men who have normal levels of the male hormone.
Clomiphene can also be used to treat gynecomastia. The patient can take it for up to 6 months. Medications are more effective in the early stages. After long-term use, it is not likely to be effective.In that case, surgical removal is the only possible treatment.
Surgical Procedures: Reduction mammoplasty or breast reduction surgery has been used in severe cases of the condition, long-term gynecomastia, or in cases where drug therapies have not been effective.
As we can clearly see that surgical procedure is the most effective procedure for gynecomastia treatment, it is always better to consult the best cosmetic surgeon in our locality. Since we are based in Kolkata, we will suggest you contact us to make an appointment with Dr. Jayanta Kumar Saha. He has performed a large number of successful surgeries in a very short period of time.