Are you aware of Gynecomastia? This is a male health condition that causes the glandular tissue in the breasts of men and boys to become enlarged, leading to nipple tenderness or discomfort. It occurs generally due to the result of hormonal imbalances. The condition most often takes place during adolescence, infancy and mid to late life. It often subsides on its own. However, some cases of gynecomastia are persistent and require treatment.
When is the treatment necessary?
In case you are suffering from this condition you may wonder when you must treat the same. There are various factors which determine if a person should undergo gynecomastia treatment for men. These include factors like his age, overall health, and the extent of the condition, medical history and preferences. Others would also include future prognosis or expectations and tolerance to specific therapies such as surgical procedures and medications.
Treating Gynecomastia
One of the common ways for treat gynecomastia is through suction lipectomy. This is basically a type of liposuction that provides the surgeon with the capability to taper the edges of breast tissue without the patient having to experience unpleasant side effects. This procedure is less invasive in comparison to the other surgical procedures used to treat this condition.
Another way of treating the problem is endoscopic surgery. This is also a less invasive than open surgery. Here the surgeons perform it by inserting an endoscope into the skin in order to examine the inside of the breast. This method allows for the removal of breast tissue without having to make a big surgical incision.
It is only in the severe cases of gynecomastia, that cosmetic surgeon usually performs an open surgical procedure. They make a moderate incision in the breast tissue and then remove the excess skin and tissue. This may not always be very suitable for adolescents until puberty is completed. It is because re-growth of the breast tissue might occur if the surgery is carried out before puberty is complete.
The extent of surgery usually depends on the severity of the condition along with consideration of whether the excess fatty tissue is present. It is usually seen that a combination of liposuction and surgical removal of the glandular tissue. Advances in cosmetic surgery techniques make it possible to treat the condition without leaving unpleasant scars on the chest.
Expert cosmetic surgeons are of the opinion that it is quite possible to correct any size of male breasts. If you want, you can undergo liposuction of the belly at the same time you are undergoing gynecomastia surgery.
Thus to conclude we can say that though male boobs or gynecomastia is common amongst males and in case you are suffering from the condition, now a lot of effective surgical treatments are available. Thus there is no reason for you to worry. Cosmetic Therapy is one of the leading cosmetic surgery clinics in Kolkata which offers one of the best treatments to treat gynecomastia.