Are you young male suffering from enlarged breasts? This medical condition in males is termed medically as “Gynecomastia”. This is what many men in India and all around are suffering from. If you too are suffering from this problem you might be going through challenging times currently. It is possible that you feel embarrassed about the situation. This over a period of time may lead to poor self-esteem and in the long run, could even cause depression. The good news is that there is now some safe gynecomastia treatment available in India right now.

Safe and effective treatment of the problem is by means of Gynecomastia Surgery. So you too can consider surgery as an effective treatment. Let us take a look at what to expect during and after the Gynecomastia surgery.

Gynecomastia Surgery:

It is often seen that sometimes men might have to go under the knife or opt for a mastectomy to have their enlarged breasts treated effectively. The good news is that unlike in the past this cosmetic procedure is fairly safe and is a low-risk one provided it is done from the right clinic under a reliable cosmetic surgeon. What is also important that before undergoing the procedure you need to follow certain protocols to ensure that the surgery is a success. Thus to have the best results there are certain dos and don’ts one need to follow after the surgery too.

What to expect during and after Gynecomastia Surgery?

What should one expect after the procedure?

In order for getting the best results, you must learn about the pros and cons before undergoing the procedure. Here the initial step begins by deciding what it is about the body (or appearance) that you would like to improve or change. You must realize that generally, people avail for plastic surgical procedures for many reasons. These could be for looking younger, or even for changing an undesirable feature like enlarged breasts in case of some men.

You could also do it in order to feel confident and more sure about oneself. This entire decision is fully personal. You also need to note that plastic surgery will not, by itself, change anyone’s personality. So you should know why exactly you are going through the process. In the case of Gynecomastia surgery, it is usually for the physiological and psychological benefits rather than aesthetic reasons.

You need to note that generally even with a single session might be enough to appreciate the visible difference. This is once the fat tissues are removed and the chest appears flat. However in spite, if there may be certain scars which might be left at the site right after the surgery. You need to note that at present more than 10 to 15 percent of male patients undergo this surgery in India. This is becoming an increasingly popular treatment which is being availed by many in India. Thus in case you are suffering from the problem surgery is a safe option which you can choose for sure.

What do you need to do after the surgery?

It is best that you wear a special garment that is advised by your doctor for at least 6 weeks following the surgery. Apart from this, you must also avoid any type of heavyweights after the surgery. You need to strictly follow the instructions given by your surgeon so that there are minimum side effects and your recovery from the same is fast. Thus you would be able to return back to regular work fairly quickly.